Dryrobe Review for Swimrun and Open Water Swimming


I didn’t grow up swimming on a team. Those 5am call times in the pitch black are only something I have learned to love as an adult. I remember seeing all the little swimmers wrapped up like hooded Ewoks, waddling towards their parents’ cars after practice. That was my first exposure to a swim parka. Wet child Ewoks. But as my training with cold water ocean swimming has increased tenfold, I realized maybe those little Phelpsies were on to something. Thankfully Dryrobe came into my life just in the nick of time.

initial thoughts & specs


Review time! This product I am wearing in the first image is called the Dryrobe Advanced Long Sleeve in Sky Blue Grey. To be frank, it is a giant blue parka that is human sized with substantial material. Calling it ‘heavy’ is inaccurate. Actually, for how much material is on it, it is quite light (weighing in at a modest 1.3kg). Like me, it just takes up a lot of space. This Dryrobe comes in 11 different color options and four different sizes. The company claims on their website that you can “Re-use multiple times without the Dryrobe ever feeling wet or cold,” which is something I can verify is TRUE. I have used my Dryrobe many, many times without running it through a dryer and it has felt fresh in each instance. I’d be curious to ask other athletes how often they wash their Dryrobes. The company’s care instructions are listed here, however, it is apparent that this robe truly dries itself. Athletes should make sure to wash their Dryrobes in cold water and DO NOT put in the dryer.

swimrun and open water swimming


Remember how I said I used to see people at the pool using Dryrobe? Well…with the surge of athletes giving swimrun a go, I have been noticing more and more Dryrobes at swimrun events around the globe! Particularly with Swedish, UK, and American athletes (three regions that have a booming swimrun population). In fact, Dryrobe is an official partner for the ÖtillÖ World Championships in Sweden. Just over the weekend on March 1st, 2020 at ÖtillÖ Catalina’s inaugural event, I witnessed athletes meandering around like real-life ADULT wet Ewoks. The event staff had a few robes handy to cover cold and slightly hypothermic athletes crossing the finish line. Again, I can attest to the fact that these robes really to help to warm you up from an already cold & sopping state. When a product can improve your quality of an experience and comfort level, that is when your cost value skyrockets.

dryrobe testimonials

Dryrobe has a roster of athletes ranging from surfing, swimming, obstacle course racing, mountain biking, and wakeboarding. Their partners include reputable brand names such as Redbull, GoPro, Spartan Race, and the previously mentioned ÖtillÖ. People from all walks of life are finding that “improved quality of experience” with Dryrobe. Myself included. A once cold, slightly wind-chapped ocean mermaid is now safer, warmer, and happier because of my big poofy (but light!) swim parka. This race season is going to be a good one. Make sure to check out their website here to read more about how Dryrobe could be a fit for your outdoor lifestyle.

Katie GodecReviews